AoC Fire Magic, Attunements and Spells (2024)

The Ancient Arts

This is the first step, and is a requirement to learn any magic in AoC. Learning the 'Ancient Arts' unlocks the 'Studies of Ancient Arts' and 'Enchanting Table' crafting stations feats, as well as the Soul Magic spell Essence Blast, which can be used in any magic weapon regardless of magic knowledge, perfect for starter faction staves.

  • AoC Fire Magic is one of 7 types of magic you can learn, and It has 5 levels of mastery.
  • Nature Magic Attunements

  • In order to learn Fire magic, you need to find the Nature Magic attunement Tomes, and you will need to find the tomes of ascension to level your magic.
  • Nature Attunement (Feat):

  • Note: A requirement to learn nature magics.
  • NPC Name: Druid Asteria Margona
  • Requirements: None.
  • Location: At the center of the island in M-6, near the Earth Call Monolith.

  • Tome of Nature Ascension Vol. 1:

  • Note: A requirement to upgrade nature magics to level 2.
  • NPC Name: None
  • Requirements: None
  • Location: Found on a crate outside of Camilla Redwood's hut in the Stormhold Encampment between D-5 and E-5.

  • Tome of Nature Ascension Vol. 2:

  • Note: A requirement to upgrade nature magics to level 3.
  • NPC Name: Kharissa Demont
  • Requirements: 20 Star Metal Ores, 10 Black Lotuses, 25 Fireblooms
  • Location: In front of Set Religion Teacher in G-7.

  • Tome of Nature Ascension Vol. 3:

  • Note: A requirement to upgrade nature magics to level 4.
  • NPC Name: Ostava Eaglespan
  • Requirements: "65 Fireblooms, 80 Aurora Herbs, 10 Mystical Potions.
  • Location: Inside Temple of Frost in the Frost Temply Smithy room. Entrance to the temple is between D-14 and E-14.

  • Tome of Nature Ascension Vol. 4:

  • Note: A requirement to upgrade nature magics to level 5.
  • NPC Name: Elena Amury
  • Requirements: 30 Bitter Crinilas, 50 Mystical Plants, 45 Vulcan Bees.
  • Location: On a pillar inside a vanilla dungeon named 'The Passage'. Entrance at K-9. Use the jump rings to get to the upper/hanging platforms.
  • Note:
  • The pillar in The Passage has been made un-climbable in AoC, so we'll need an alternate way to get up to access the Tome of Nature Ascension Vol, 4 and the Tome of Blood Magic. Also, the Sand Reaper Hive Queen was moved to a cage hanging from the top of the cavern because it was difficult to fight with all the plague spiders that are now infesting The Passage. Every enemy in The Passage besides the Sand Hive Queen will drop a cloud of Elarikan Plague, and the scourge spiders have very fast respawn times, so it's quite deadly to fight in here. It's not necessary to fight any of the scourge mobs to traverse through The Passage, so it's recommended to not bring a follower and to pack lightly if you drop items on death.
  • You will find the first jump ring/pad on the ground of the nope cavern, on the left side of the broken bridge part that you dropped down from. The jump ring/pad looks like a white glowing symbols in the shape of a ring laying on an angle. (You will need to use these bounce rings if you want to find Elena Amury (sells the tomb of nature ascention), and the Inquisitor of the Cold Embrace (sells the tomb of blood magic), they are on the center platform, the one with the waterfall).
  • When you walk into the jump pad it'll launch you more or less in the direction it is facing, but there is some variation based on how you approach it, so it's best to line up your jumps. The easiest way to do this is to stand with your back to the jump pad, while facing your intended destination, then back into the pad and launch in the direction you're facing.
  • The first jump pad leads to a platform attached to a pillar hanging from the ceiling. Aim for the pillar as it is climbable, so you can cling to it and descend safely. There is a scourge spider on this platform but it is best ignored, once killed it'll drop a plague cloud that you can't avoid while on the platform. Use the jump pad on this platform to launch to another platform, this one without a spider but with two pads on it. Be careful not to land directly on the next jump pad or you'll get launched immediately without much control. The two jump pads on the third platform lead to the Sand Reaper Hive Queen cage or the platform with the vendors for the magic books. If you're here for both, head to the Hive Queen first as the jump pad from her cage also leads to the platform with the books. Not much aiming is needed for the Hive Queen cage, but the book platform on the big pillar can be difficult to hit. Note that you do have a lot of air control once launched, hold back to slow your speed significantly if needed. The column of water coming down from the ceiling and landing on the pillar platform is swimmable, you should aim to hit this column of water to stop your flight and allow you to descend safely. Finally, a jump pad on the pillar platform leads across the way to the elevated area at the end, which leads to the Underwater Cavern dungeon (swim straight down in the body of water up there) or up the stairs and out into the snowy north.

  • Learning Fire Magic

    Ascenion Magic Costs and Basic Processes are:

  • Attune to schools of magic: (Mystic, Nature & Demonic)
  • Gather Discipline Tomes (Needed to build the Altars)
  • Build Mod: Age of Calamitous/Magic Altars
  • Gather Spells
  • Gather Mod: Age of Calamitous/Ascension Tomes - 4 Unique tomes per school
  • Use Mod:Age of Calamitous/Orb Shrines to be able to read the tomes
  • Make the Power gem farming tools, for fire its The Edge of Kyloth
  • To get Fire Magic to level 5 you will need 545 Fire Power Gems in total.
  • You get the Fire Power Gems by using The Edge of Kyloth on any humanoid corpse
  • Use Orb Shrines to Raise Levels once you have the required number of power gems and correct ascension tome for that discipline.
  • Take the collected power gems to the Shrine, but make sure you have a high enough level, and all of the feats for that Magic faction learned to avoid a power overload and death.
  • Level I is received when attuning:

    Per discipline you will need

  • Lvl II: 25 Power Gems
  • Lvl III: 70 Power Gems
  • Lvl IV: 150 Power Gems
  • Lvl V: 300 Power Gems
  • Feat: Fire Magic

  • Description: The first level of Fire Magic, obtained when you first use the Fire Shrine successfully.
  • Unlocks: Altar of the Sun, Edge of Kyloth, Fire Magic I, Fireball
  • Requirements: The Ancient Arts, Nature Attunement
  • Steps: Once you have obtained your Tome of Fire Element and Nature Attunement, go to the Fire Shrine and activate it.

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame I

  • Description: The second level of Fire Magic, obtained when you touch the Fire Shrine the 2nd time.
  • Unlocks: Fire Magic II, Fireball II
  • Requirements: Nature Ascension Vol. 1, 25 Fire Power Gems, Level 25
  • Steps: Once you have the requirements in your inventory, touch the Fire Shrine again.

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame II

  • Description: The third level of Fire Magic, obtained when you touch the Fire Shrine the 3rd time.
  • Unlocks: Fire Magic III, Fireball III
  • Requirements: Nature Ascension Vol. 2, 70 Fire Power Gems, Level 40
  • Steps: Once you have the requirements in your inventory, touch the Fire Shrine again.

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame III

  • Description: The forth level of Fire Magic, obtained when you touch the Fire Shrine the 4th time.
  • Unlocks: Fire Magic IV, Fireball IV
  • Requirements: Nature Ascension Vol. 3, 150 Fire Power Gems, Level 80
  • Steps: Once you have the requirements in your inventory, touch the Fire Shrine again

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame IV

  • Description: The final level of Fire Magic, obtained when you touch the Fire Shrine the 5th time.
  • Unlocks: Fire Magic V
  • Requirements: Nature Ascension Vol. 4, 300 Fire Power Gems,Level 120
  • Steps: Once you have the requirements in your inventory, touch the Fire Shrine again.

  • Fire Magic Related Items

    Item: The Shrine of Fire Element

  • Description: The shrine where you come to learn and upgrade your Fire Magic. You will need to have obtained the Nature Attunement feat to touch the shrine.
  • NPC Name: None
  • Requirements: None
  • Location: Inside a vanilla dungeon named 'Dragonmouth' in E-12. Jump on the rocks on the lava pit towards the left and you will see the shrine.

  • Item: Tome of the Fire Element

  • Description: This tome is a recipe for all things Fire Magic. Once you craft the Fire Altar leave the tome inside the altar as it never gets used up.
  • NPC Name: Magus of the Fire Element
  • Requirements: 3 Topaz, 30 Fireblooms
  • Location: Inside The Arena/The Sinkhole H-6. Go through the dungeon as you normally would, after fighting the undead dragon, go up the stairs behind the boss. You will come across a lorestone that glows red. Turn either left or right and go around the arena. The Magus of the Fire Element can be found on the upper level on the eastern side within the sinkhole arena.

  • Item: The Altar of the Sun

  • Description: This is your Fire Magic crafting station. Unlocked once you touch the Fire Shrine successfully for the first time. It is hand-crafted. The fuel is Topaz.
  • NPC Name: None
  • Requirements: Tome of Fire Element, 6 Silks, 12 Coals, 50 Stones
  • Location: Hand-crafted in your inventory.
  • Note: This is your altar for Fire Magics. The Altar of Fire is powered by Topaz.

  • Item: The Edge of Kyloth

  • Description: A magical dagger used to collect Fire Power Gems from humanoid corpses.
  • NPC Name: None
  • Requirements: 10 Vanadium, 5 Mystical Dust, 3 Topaz
  • Location: Crafted at The Altar of the Sun.

  • Item: Fire Power Gem

  • Description: A resource gathered when Edge of Kyloth is used on a humanoid corpse. Will yield 1 gem per harvest.
  • NPC Name: None
  • Requirements: None
  • Location: Any humanoid corpse.

  • Fire Spells


  • Feat: Fire Magic
  • Recipe: 20 Plant Fiber, 10 Coal, 5 Uncut Topaz
  • Damage: 10
  • Armor Pen %: 4
  • Remarks: The basic fire spell, and cheap to craft.
  • Level Required: 1
  • Faction Required: Any magic faction

  • Fireball II:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame I
  • Recipe: 20 Plant Fiber, 10 Coal, 5 Uncut Topaz
  • Damage: 18
  • Armor Pen %: 5
  • Remarks: Upgraded basic spell.
  • Level Required: 25
  • Faction Required: Any magic faction

  • Fireball III:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame II
  • Recipe: 35 Plant Fiber, 20 Coal, 15 Uncut Topaz
  • Damage: 23
  • Armor Pen %: 6
  • Remarks: Upgraded basic spell.
  • Level Required: 40
  • Faction Required: Any magic faction

  • Fireball IV:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame III
  • Recipe: 50 Plant Fiber, 30 Coal, 20 Uncut Topaz
  • Damage: 29
  • Armor Pen %: 7
  • Remarks: Upgraded basic spell.
  • Level Required: 80
  • Faction Required: Any magic faction

  • Inferno:

  • Feat: Red Fury
  • Recipe: 2 Fireblooms, 5 Bitter Crinila Dust, 2 Mystical Dust
  • Damage: 35
  • Armor Pen %: 6
  • Remarks: Does a small AoE damage upon impact. Feat is available to be learned on the Weapons tab once Fire Magic is unlocked.
  • Level Required: 38
  • Faction Required: Any magic faction

  • Ring of Fire:

  • Feat: House Stormcaller Magus
  • Recipe: 40 Fireblooms, 120 Bitter Crinila Dust, 70 Mystical Dust, 100 Fire Power Gems
  • Damage: 42
  • Armor Pen %: 7
  • Remarks: A very high cost spell with huge AoE.
  • Level Required: 120
  • Faction Required: Felgarth, Stormcaller

  • Fire Magic Weapons

    Fire Magic I:

  • Feat: Fire Magic
  • Recipe: Tome of Fire Element, 10 Rubies, 20 Coal
  • Damage: 20
  • Armor Pen %: 4
  • Remarks: Basic fire magic weapon. All fire magic weapons leave a small burning effect upon hitting.
  • Level Required: 1
  • Faction Required: Any faction

  • Fire Magic II:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame I
  • Recipe: Tome of Fire Element, 10 Vulcan Bees, 20 Fragment of Demise, 2 Topaz, Fire Magic I
  • Damage: 27
  • Armor Pen %: 7
  • Remarks: Fire magic weapon. All fire magic weapons leave a small burning effect upon hitting.
  • Level Required: 25
  • Faction Required: Any faction

  • Fire Magic III:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame II
  • Recipe: Tome of Fire Element, 5 Eveiarium Metal Bars, 50 Fragment of Demise, 4 Topaz, Fire Magic II
  • Damage: 35
  • Armor Pen %: 9
  • Remarks: Fire magic weapon. All fire magic weapons leave a small burning effect upon hitting.
  • Level Required: 40
  • Faction Required: Any faction

  • Fire Magic IV:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame III
  • Recipe: Tome of Fire Element, 1 Diamond, 1 Kronyxium Steel Bar, 8 Topaz, Fire Magic III
  • Damage: 50
  • Armor Pen %: 10
  • Remarks: Fire magic weapon. All fire magic weapons leave a small burning effect upon hitting
  • Level Required: 80
  • Faction Required: Any faction

  • Fire Magic V:

  • Feat: Ascension of the Flame IV
  • Recipe: Tome of Fire Element, 3 Diamonds, 1 Xarium Metal Bar, 1 Deathwhisper Potion, Fire Magic IV
  • Damage: 60
  • Armor Pen %: 11
  • Remarks: The strongest earth magic weapon
  • Level Required: 120
  • Faction Required: The strongest fire magic weapon. All fire magic weapons leave a small burning effect upon hitting

  • AoC Fire Magic, Attunements and Spells (2024)
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    Author: Greg O'Connell

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    Author information

    Name: Greg O'Connell

    Birthday: 1992-01-10

    Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

    Phone: +2614651609714

    Job: Education Developer

    Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

    Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.