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Find This Person

Use Find a Person to search for person in the UK using our extensive dataset. We can find thecorrect name, address, postcode and phone number of a UK resident. We draw data from the UKElectoral Roll, telephone directory and the Royal Mail Postal Address Finder (PAF) – so you can besure the information is accurate. Read More

You will have to sign up and buycredits to use this UK people finder search – this will provide you with a person's name,address and phone number (if available). We can also provide further detailed results, includingmaps and linked contacts, for extra credits.

For alternative free ways to find someone's address in the UK use our Finda Person A to Z or the Postcode OuterList.

How to find a person in the UK

Our person search allows you to search for people by name and/or address. Most people enter a name or partial name (e.g. surname) and a location, usually a city/town or partial postcode.

Alternatively you can search by address using the advanced search. Within the advanced search you can search by postcode and house number or postcode (or partial postcode) and street.

Search Examples (By Name And/Or Address)

  1. Name: Joe Bloggs, Location: York
  2. Name: Bloggs, Location: YO1
  3. Street: Hull Road, Location: YO10
  4. Premises: 10, Location: YO10 5NP

When trying to find an address of a person you can select ‘Exact matches only’ if you feel you already have the correct details. However, if you’restruggling to find an address for a person, then opt for broader search terms and ensure everything isspelled correctly.

The results you receive are drawn from the telephone directory, consumer data, the UK electoral roll andCompanies House.

You will need to buy to use Find a Person. Credits cost£10 for 40 credits, or £30 for 100 credits, and each in-depth search costs 5 credits.

What results will you get

When you search for someone on Find a Person, all results will include name, address and postcode. Someresults may also include a phone number (if it’s listed), month and year of birth and if they’re anappointed company director.

Free directory enquiries from (1)

You will also be able to see where we've drawn our data from – CH for Company’s House, CD for ConsumerData, etc.

Use extra credits to access additional information, such as Land Registry information, deceased checks,the names of other current and past occupants of the address, and a list of potential linkedcontacts.

Looking for more in-depth results

For those looking for more extensive search results, we also offer alternative, subscription-basedservices that can provide additional information.

ORBIS is the corporate partner to, used bypolices forces and businesses across the country to find people and verify identities. It has all thesame functionalities as our Find a Person service, along with:

  • Access to additional features that’s not available to the general public.
  • Enhanced connection links between people and address records.
  • Flexible pricing options and multiple user function.

T2A is our API offering – an integrated software you embedin your website to allow your users to find people in the UK, look up addresses and postcodes, andvalidate customer information.

Why use

Use Find a Person to save time and effort when it comes to searching for names and addresses. Use it tolook up your cousin's new address before setting out to visit them, find the new address of a relativeor friend, or find out the location of a client if you’re a solicitor or debt collection agency.

We collect our information from the UK electoral roll, directory enquiries, Companies House, and theconsumer data. In accordance with the latest GDPR laws and regulations, we will never share your datawithout permission.

Related Services

  • Person Identity Verification – Use our PersonIdentity Verification service to check a person is who they say they are and protect yourself fromscams.
  • Postcode Finder – If you have an addressbut no postcode, our Postcode Finder can help. Likewise, if you have a postcode and house number, itcan provide you with a full address.
  • Residential TelephoneDirectory – Search our UK Residential Telephone Directory to find a person's phone number byname and location.

Related Articles

  • How to find who lives at an address
  • How to find someone's information online
  • Fraud prevention guide

T2A API - Person Search

We also provide a person search via an API to let you search by name and/oraddress for information on UK residents.

Apply for our corporate account to access the * fullelectoral roll.

* Full electoral roll searches are only permitted to certain organisations e.g. local authorities andpolice forces.

Free directory enquiries from (2024)
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Article information

Author: Otha Schamberger

Last Updated:

Views: 5746

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.